At Asia Pacific Medical Center Aklan, we place a significant emphasis on the importance of your eye health. Our team consists of highly skilled Ophthalmologists and trained eye technicians dedicated to address your eye problems. We take pride in providing a comprehensive range of services aimed to diagnose and treat eye diseases effectively.
Ophthalmology Services Offered:
- Extracapsular Cataract Extraction
- Phacoemulsification Surgery
- Laser Yag-Capsulotomy
- Laser Iridotomy
- Pterygium Excision
- Panretinal laser photocoagulation / Focal laser
Eye Center Services Offered:
- Glaucoma Screening Package (Fundus photo, OCT, and Visual Field Perimetry)
- Optical Biometry / A scan
- B-scan Ultrasonography
- Specular Microscopy
- Cataract Screening
- Visual Field Perimetry
- Fluorescein Angiography
- Optical Coherence Tomography